Where do the new files show up for customers?

The newly granted downloads will only show up in the user’s download page at https://WWW.YOURDOMAIN.COM/my-account/downloads/ and not in the order’s display.
The system will not send out e-mails to your customers with updated download links.

How can I check what a customer will see?
We found that a good plugin for an administrator to switch to any user to check on the granted permissions is the “User Switching” plugin by John Blackbourn at https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-switching/
To check who bought a particular product you could try https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-filter-orders-by-product/ or https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-product-customer-list/
Please be advised that it is up to you to research the plugins you use on your site and these are just examples of plugins we used at some point and we do not keep checking the code base of these plugins for security issues and can not take responsibility if any of these plugins have been compromised.