MAK WooCommerce Download Permissions

How do I use it?

The plug-in does not work automatically when you add a new download to a product. You have to go to “Products”->”MAK Download Permissions” and select the category and product you want to work on and either one or two files depending on the mode. You also have direct links to the functions on WooCommerce product pages with downloadable files. This allows you to have different policies for different products or even add some files to a product that you give past purchasers access to and other...

Where do the new files show up for customers?

The newly granted downloads will only show up in the user’s download page at https://WWW.YOURDOMAIN.COM/my-account/downloads/ and not in the order’s display. The system will not send out e-mails to your customers with updated download links. How can I check what a customer will see? We found that a good plugin for an administrator to switch to any user to check on the granted permissions is the “User Switching” plugin by John Blackbourn at To che...

Which users have access to use the plugin to set permissions?

By default Administrators and Shop Managers can use the plugin. You can give access to this plugin to other users by editing their WordPress' user roles capabilities. Required capabilities to use: ‘mak_wc_download_permissions’ ‘edit_product’ ‘edit_products’ Optional: ‘edit_private_products’ ‘edit_published_products’ ‘edit_others_products’

Can I bulk add permissions?

You can add permissions in bulk to multiple new files on the same product. You can not add permissions in bulk for multiple products at once. You can not add download permissions for users who have not purchased the product which owns the files.